Sunday 29 June 2014


1) Link to Blog

2) Link to Mashup of 3 News Articles

3) Link to One Point Perspectives and Two Point Perspectives

4) Link to Plans and Sections of Design

5) Link to 36 Custom Textures and Applied Textures in Lumion

6) Link to Moving Element Screenshots and Animations

7) Link to Image Captures of Model and Folly

8) Link to Image Captures of 2 Draft Lumion Environments

9) Link to Image Captures of Developed Lumion Environment

10) Link to Lumion Environment

11) Link to SketchUp EXP3 Model and Architectural Folly


The design of the school and bridge, aim to fulfil the main objective of bringing attention away from the building's architecture, and rather to emphasise the nature that surrounds it. The element of retractable glass panes aims to bring attention towards the beauty of the surrounding landscape, and to provide a minimalist barrier between the interior and exterior. This acts as an instrument that enables the building's occupants to be inside and outside simultaneously.

The placement of trees on the surface of the bridge, behind the glass panes satisfies the notion of bringing nature inside the architecture. This also allows the users of the bridge to feel like they are "outside even though you're protected inside" (DESIGNALMIC 2012). The textures within the building, act to direct circulation of its occupants. Furthermore, the depth of colour and line-weight of each texture symbolises the speed of motion.

The use of textures as markers and guidelines for circulation is also visible with the texture of the central ramps, guiding its users to enter through the ground floor, towards the bridge's exit on the top floor of the building. As the user progresses through the building towards the exit, this is reflected in the line-work and colour of the applied texture.

The notion of simplistic minimal design, with an emphasis on nature is visible in the planning and design of many rooms, where each contains large, wide windows with minimal obstruction to vision of the surrounding landscape, and where each room has all the vital elements needed to fulfil its function, with no additional unnecessary features.

Located on the ground floor of the building; directly above the bridge, the computer labs consist of a simplistic minimalist design. This concept is consistent in the school's design, conveyed through the use of different floor levels to define room partitioning as opposed to the need for dividing walls.

Aside from its functional use, the purposeful design of a thin, long bridge without any significant protruding structures, limits the attention placed on the architecture itself and recycles admiration towards the surrounding landscape. This allows focus to be placed on the site-specific phenomena as well as the nature around it.

The minimalist design of the Architectural Folly, focuses on the idea that "we are guests in nature" and that any form of architecture in the environment should be "taken away without leaving scars behind" in the landscape.


The purpose of the retractable glass panes is provide the building's occupants with the feeling that they are "outside even though your protected inside" (DESIGNALMIC 2012). This is achieved whereby the gaps within the glass panes do not completely form a compact wall, yet it adequately protects its occupants from the elements. The transparency and light shade of the glass panes, aim to never obstruct vision of nature which surrounds it. The movement of the glass panes remove all barriers and distractions to the environment, and symbolically brings nature into the building.

The functionality of the moving platform element is to provide its users with a closer and more integrated connection with the buildings surroundings. This is achieved whereby the moving platform allows a closer view and appreciation of the architectural folly on the valley floor. Furthermore, in order to satisfy the notion of enhancing site-specific phenomenal events and environmental features, the moving platform directs users to a better view of the nearby waterfall.

Wednesday 4 June 2014


By: Adarsh Harikrishna

By: Tim Halim


1) Link to Blog

2) Link to Mashup of 3 News Articles

3) Link to One Point Perspectives and Two Point Perspectives

4) Link to 36 Custom Textures and Applied Textures in Lumion

5) Link to Moving Elements

6) Link to Image Captures of Model and Folly

7) Link to Draft SketchUp Model

8) Link to Draft Lumion Environment


The textures that have been applied to the design of the School and Bridge, signify the different ranges and notions of movement. The textures act to direct visitors from the entrance on the Lower Bridge, through the school and to the exit at the Upper Bridge. The linework of the applied textures provide an indication of intended circulation through the structure, whilst the colour and depth of each applied texture signifies its location within the building; where from entry to exit, the texture becomes lighter in colour.

The texture applied to the Upper Bridge projects converging, scalar lines. The texture directs visitors to the end of the bridge and therefore towards the end of the valley.

The texture of the Lower Bridge displays slanted lines which represent arrows directing visitors to the viewpoints located on the ends of the bridge. The texture of the stairs are stepped, symbolising step-by-step linear motion into the interior of the school.

The interior circulation of the school is textured with an Intertwined texture, symbolising the connection of ramps and stairways within the centre of the building. The colour of the texture gets lighter following ascension, conveying a reduction in distance towards the end of the bridge.


The textures that I had chosen to incorporate in my design, aimed to highlight circulation within a structure. With emphasis on circulation from the bridge to the school, the chosen textures intended to convey movement which directs and guides its visitors to different areas of the building.


Following further development in planning and design, a model of the school and bridge was created within Google SketchUp. Following partitioning of rooms and spaces, plans and sections could be extracted.

Lower Bridge Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Upper Floor Plan

Upper Bridge Floor Plan

Cross Sectional Cut

Circulation Map